The 14 modules are divided into three categories : core courses, thematic courses and specific courses.
3 core courses:
Leadership and Conflict Management for Electoral Stakeholders: Development of capacities at the intersection between leadership and conflict management
Introduction to Electoral Administration: A study of administrative, organisational, financial and logistical aspects essential for conducting of transparent and peaceful elections
Electoral Systems: A technical course which aims to understand the specificities of the various existing electoral systems and seeks to compare them on the basis of concrete examples
3 Thematic courses :
- Gender and Elections (electoral access): A study of the mechanisms allowing access to the electoral process and in elected positions for women, disabled and other marginalized groups.
- Media and Electoral Communication: Focuses on internal communication (within organisations in charge of organising elections and other stakeholders) and external (for voters and citizens) throughout the electoral cycle.
- Election Security: A study of the causes of electoral violence and contributing factors, as well as the capacity to mitigate, reduce the impact, and develop and implement tools to help put an end to violence and conflict.
8 Specific modules covering the electoral cycle:
- Legal framework: Work on the legal framework and in particular; electoral law, the Constitution, codes of conduct and administrative regulations is key for the organization of future free and fair elections. The legal framework regulates all the rules of law which prevail throughout the electoral cycle such as the organization of political parties, election campaigns, political broadcasting time, the registeration of voters, electoral boundaries, the logistics and management of the polling station up to the electoral dispute resolution mechanisms. The acceptance and respect of the rules should be adopted with great transparency to guarantee the legitimancy of election results.
- Planning and implementation: Following the definition of the legal framework, the electoral calendar is another important step in the pre-electoral period. Strategic planning is essential especially for Electoral Management Bodies in order to avoid working under pressure and to allow them to deal with all the events in the calendar. The operational plan makes it possible to know the progress during the whole election period; all stages are identified and administrative deadlines and responsibilities of each stakeholder in the electoral process in order to achieve their goals. Different schedules need to be created to highlight the important stages for each electoral actor. Planning also involves considering the budget, the budget should not be overlooked. Voters, candidates and all stakeholders in the elections will no longer be on the sidelines and will be able to plan and organize themselves, to ensure trust between all stakeholders in the electoral process.
- Training and Education: Training and voter education is mainly provided by the Electoral Management Body in charge and civil society. In terms of electoral education, it is important to distinguish election information from voter education. Election information is the basic information that is to be provided to voters to enable them to participate in the electoral process, such as how to register to vote or the location of the polling station. Whereas voter education helps to educate the voters in their role as citizens and to inform them on issues concerning voting and the importance of their participation. Election information is an educational tool, which concerns key actors involved in the electoral process based on the role they play in these processes. Thus election information relates to the media, civil society, political parties, electoral security bodies, or bodies responsible for the management of electoral disputes. It allows the presentation of all the issues related to the organization of free and transparent elections and the bringing together of the various election stakeholders to enable them to understand the challenges that each institution faces and integrate the added value of enhanced collaboration.
- Registration and Nomination: Voter registration is a significant step in the electoral process. The smooth running of the voter registration process will positively or negatively mark the whole election period. It thus appears essential to master this operation in an optimal manner despite its duration and the cost it represents. The voter registration methods are diverse and should be chosen carefully. To ensure a reliable identification system, the use of biometrics is also an option, which will be detailed. When choosing voter registration process it is important to take into account various factors specific to the geographical, historical, infrastructural, demographic, or linguistic (...) to consider possible obstacles that people can meet to register on the lists. In ensuring voter eligibility, the legitimate voters roll and voter registration should be transparent but also inclusive. An inclusive registration process can promote the entry of certain population groups underrepresented as women, youth, and ethnic minorities. Finally, voter registration must especially be feasible financially and administratively to ensure homogeneity.
- Electoral Campaign: The campaign, which is understood here to be the "official campaign" and not campaign in the large sense (because at an internal level political parties may have started their campaign before the official start of the electoral campaign governed by the election law), is the last step of the pre-electoral period. Its regulatory and its legal framework is needed to ensure a fair and peaceful campaign between all participants. Moreover, defining the rules that will apply to all stakeholders (candidates, political parties, media) of the campaign is essential because they will define their margin of technical and financial flexibility during the campaign. The political context will also strongly influence the course of the campaign and the aim of the pre-established electoral laws is to anticipate potential problems in the political context; for example they must ensure the independence of the media, multipartism, equal political broadcasting time and equal transparency so that the various candidates are on equal footing and that all voters receive the same information. The party system, the type of election and the electoral law will be the major factors that will influence the course of the election campaign. In some countries bodies responsible for the regulation of audiovisual advice or funding campaigns bodies have been established and will be presented.
- Voting Operations and Election Day: This period is the most intensive period in the election cycle since occurs only on Election Day. However, it is the largest and most visible period of the electoral cycle. It mainly involves the implementation of elections, the management of polling stations and the recording of votes in each office. Many issues revolve around this activity, such as the issue of electoral security or electoral fraud. The voting should be handled on a case-by-case basis and the politico-economic and geographic context of the country influence the choice of voting methods adopted. This module should allow participants to consider the most efficient solutions for the organization of peaceful and transparent election, taking into account the administrative and financial, material and logistics, polling stations, voter information, the necessary security measures and any other activity on Election Day.
- Verification of Results: The talling of votes constitutes a criticial juncture in the post-election period and the most prone to the development of tension. The Eight guiding principles of this period are transparency, safety, professionalism, accuracy, secret voting, timelines, accountability and fairness. The talling of votes can occur in each office or can be centralized. Various methods can be used to tally votes either manually and or electronically, depending on the infrastructure and personnel available. In some cases, international observers are invited by host countries and who are expressly appointed for this mission may also participate.
- Management of the post-election period: The post-electoral period begins after the announcement of results. This period is characterized by the acceptance or non-acceptance of the results by the different electoral actors. This is a key moment to assess the organization at the top-level; if the announcement of results goes smoothly it will be proof that the elections are considered transparent and credible and therefore accepted by all. This is also the time for the evaluation of audits of the electoral processes to highlight key issues and needed improvements that should be addressed in the next election cycle. Mastering the tools of methodological assessment and reporting is a key aspect of this course. If applicable, this is a key stage for electoral reform. This period is also conducive to the conduct of research to contribute to the next round or the beginning of a new exercise of capacity building for electoral actors.
The module Leadership and Conflict Management Skills for Electoral Stakeholders (LEAD) and the module Electoral Operations have been terminated and will be soon available.