The European Centre for Electoral Support is a non-profit private foundation headquartered in Brussels with an African regional office in Antananarivo, Madagascar and liaison offices in Johannesburg, South Africa and Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. ECES promotes sustainable democratic development through the provision of advisory services and operational support in favour of electoral stakeholders, including electoral management bodies and civil society organisations. The scope of ECES work in the field of elections as the cornerstone of democratic processes comprises parliamentary support, research, policy recommendations, technical support and leadership development. Capacity enhancing activities lies at the core of ECES work and is provided by facilitating peer reviews, exchanges of experiences, south-south collaborations and sharing of best practices within the field of electoral support, under the guiding principles of inclusiveness, tolerance and knowledge.
EFEAC is an initiative led by the ten country members of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS). It was created in Libreville in May 2011, attended by representatives from all the electoral institutions of these 10 countries. The primary objective is to support EFEAC country members to contribute to the consolidation of democracy and governance in Africa. This objective aims to be achieved through the training of managers and stakeholders in the electoral process and the promotion of applied research in electoral matters. EFEAC exercise this responsibility in accordance with Article 7.3 of the Directive aimed to implement training in the field of electoral assistance. In this context the EFEAC organizes different types of training in electoral administration.
Scytl is the worldwide leader in secure electronic voting, election management and election modernization solutions. Its solutions incorporate unique cryptographic protocols that ensure maximum security, transparency and auditability in all types of elections. Scytl’s groundbreaking electoral security technology is protected by international patents and enables organizations to electronically carry out all types of electoral processes in a completely secure and auditable manner, positioning the company as the global leader in the industry. As the internationally recognized leader in secure election management and electronic voting solutions for its expertise, the last 10 years have seen Scytl manage over 100,000 electoral events electronically across more than 35 countries, including Canada, the United States, Mexico, Ecuador, Honduras, Costa Rica, France, Norway, Switzerland, Bosnia-Herzegovina,